Tuesday, March 17, 2009

catch a creative

So mini-ourhomestatewhichwelove-tour is done.. It was beautiful rolling around every corner of California in the spring time, where everything takes on a shade of green usually best described in some 'Lord of The Rings' type bullshit.. a striking and beautiful green to say the least. Tera Melos and Polar Bears were amazing to hang and rock with.. having all Californian bands and friends from my home area was especially cool.. why, I don't know.. but it just was. When there aren't long distances to travel, interviews and press, and the general buzz of peripheral tour-energy around it becomes a much more relaxed environment. You end up standing around and talking more, going to eat together more, and just taking it easy.

takin it easy after brunch the morning after the worst attended RX show in years; 91 people paid and attended. We thank you Bakersfield!(honorary mention to Fresno)

taking it easy on the CA-45 en route to San Luis Obispo from Bakersfield

Question To ye dude-bros in SLO @ downtown brew and the guy in Orangevale a The Boardwalk: What is it about being at a show that makes you guys wanna push and bum-out other peoples to the max? are you guys just so faded that it seems that people enjoy your sweaty-ass rubbing your pits in their face and smashing them around as you hold your arms up incessantly as if to get our attention onstage only to say nothing or to grunt out to play an old song? If you dudes, have some sort of actual mental disability then I sincerely apologize and retract my question because there is no way for you to know better.. To the guy at the boardwalk who somehow got back in after throwing water all over everyone and being kicked out; get a clue.. if not for other peoples benefit, then for your own I implore you to get a fucking clue. There was a totally nice looking and cute girl you could have been dancing with right behind you that you instead chose to drunk-guy-butt-check the whole time you were allowed to stay up front. You cheeky bastard. And I better not get any responses to this again about me being ungrateful towards our fans and how I should let them do whatever they want even if it means bumming out the majority of the other peoples there whom I ultimately care more about than some jock, and if that bums you out then soRRRRRRrrry. I'm allowed to hate spirit fingers!

We arrived back in the LBC on sunday night, and came straight back to The Binford Building in Little Tokyo to resume finishing the recording. Matt's pipes are taking a break so all day yesterday and today we've been doing various over-dubs. I've played everything from Haitian gift-shop maracas, vocoders and even more synths. At High noon today Matt was given his voice a test run and I headed down to the Little Tokyo shopping center to grab some pastries and a rice bowl with uni, and roe. I'll probably go sit in the steam room for a while when I get home from the studio today, sweat out some of the partying done over the past week. Adding the bells and whistles to the tunes is definitely pumping me up.. and you all are probably sick of reading over and over about how stoked I am on the progression of this record without hearing any direct results.. but too bad. You must wait!

back in the lab. Even the demon knows its crunch time


Kristina said...

I fully appreciate you being ungrateful to specific "fans" because I am usually the girl getting the sweaty pits in the face and its gross. But I would brave thousands of sweaty nasty arm pits to come see you guys play. The east coast misses you. Specifically Virginia. Even more specifically Richmond/Norfolk.

scary said...

well don't know exactly, but here in munich couldn't be much more than 91 hehe still the best show I've ever been to.

and for the new stuff, it's awesome, can't stop listening to that 3 new songs from chain reaction (check youtube)

oh and I'd like to hear a cowbell on one song please =)))

JFBueller said...

I could listen to you comment on the songs all day without hearing anything else that is going to be on the album (I'll listen to random recordings though), the 3 youtube videos are more than enough to last me till July.

Here's a thought...
Would it be possible to provide your fans with some sort of raw mix of the album? I would love to do some cool re-mixes of the songs. Or even just listen to the tightness of the drum and bass grooving, or just guitars... or any combination of the most amazing music in the world.

The stuff that you guys write is beyond music, it actually changes the way I feel physically and emotionally when I put any of your CD's on, but from the new stuff I heard, I think I might have to wear depends the first time I listen to the album all the way through.

Unity Disconnect said...

I'm really bummed that the crowd was full of drunk idiots. I've seen you guys several times, and the crowd never seems to be the same, but this honestly was the worst i've seen it. I attend Cal Poly, and i really hope that you guys don't take this reason to not tour here anymore. The show you guys did earlier this year in the Rec Center at Cal Poly was pretty good, but the one at Down Town Brew was mind-blowing... aside from part of the crowd. On top of that, hardly anyone ever comes through SLO, and I would hate for you guys to join that list of bands.

Anyways,I was near the front and I got a good amount of video footage I'm gonna upload pretty soon, so I'll definitely send it to you when its online. Again, thanks for the incredible show, you guys never disappoint. Keep on doin what you guys do well.

Poopernater said...

That's a shame about Bakersfield and Slo. Thanks for giving Fresno the honorable mention. haha I don't live there but it was the closest show to where I do. I don't understand why people get all fucking stupid when bands play. Like the guy at the Fresno show that tried to hang on to the light rack above the crowd. I pictured that whole thing coming down and fucking a bunch of people up. The music was sick as always. Better than Bonnaroo was and better than my first Bako show.

Thanks for letting your fans know whats up in your life and putting out music that truly helps people.


Mark said...

Seconding what Kristina said above: Richmond misses you! Plus, we actually have nice venues now!

The weather here is schizo, but it was so nice and warm for a few days last week that it almost felt like spring. I popped my RXB CDs in the truck and spent all week pretending like I was in high school again, driving around aimlessly and singing along to great songs.

I cannot wait for this new album.

Kam said...

SXSW won't be the same with you boys not there this time around :( Can't wait to hear the new stuff Steve!

Unity Disconnect said...

Here's the first video I uploaded from the SLO show...


Andy said...

everyone who's there to see the show is annoyed by the sweaty-jock-something-to-prove-attention-needing ppl.

the real fans know what's up. I think I'd be laughing every night on stage if I saw spirit fingers.

Ohio Nate said...

hehe. I heard about some of the bros at a certain city. You should just hire a big dude that tosses them into a pit of alligators behind the venue or something.

spano. said...

BOL WEVIL!!!!! i'm already so into this song dude, and i haven't even heard the final version.

all the songs sound amazing so far and i seriously can't wait to hear this album in its entirety. sure to be amazing.

i try to get so many people into you guys, dude. i'm constantly giving people the heads-up, and making mixes for them and whatnot. you guys are truly an amazing band, and people should know it.

looking forward to july, for real.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree. I drove down from davis to see you guys in fresNO and with the morons trying to hang from the celling, annoyingly dancing on stage, and attempting to crowd surf with about 100 people there if that. I spent half the night not trying to knock over matt's microphone, effects pedals and monitor because of drunken idiots that were pushing me into it. thank you for saying something so those of us who just want to dance so some awesome music can do that without being bothered.

As for the actual concert you guys shredded. I had been in a funk lately and driving 3 hours to go and see you guys defiantly brought my spirits back up. i especially enjoyed seeing you and matt having some drum jams with chris. It will definitely be a story i tell my kids about when i grow older. Cannot wait for the new album. i dont think i will be able to stop listening to it all summer. Thank you for continuing to rock and to make music.

Anonymous said...

I really love that youre so observant. A majority of people dont see the world spinning around them let alone details. I think its an amazing and pretty damn important quality. Yep!
